Enchanted India Tours was started by Nikhil Devasar
Enchanted India : Nikhil Devasar has been born, brought up and continues to reside in the capital city of Delhi. Being based in Delhi he decided to explore its spaces and revived the delhibird club, an ornithological group that had been non-operational for many years. In 2000 he started an email network and the first weekend walk had 2 enthusiastic participants. Today the delhibird has a membership of over 3000 committed amateur and professional birdwatchers ranging from age 4 to 84. Nikhil has spearheaded many of the group’s conservation efforts wherein through the Sunday walks the group monitors the status of the birdlife as well as their habitats and also discovers new birding sites while keeping the authorities abreast of the problems in the existing ones. He also conducts awareness and education programs for young people and school children, and organizes a census of Delhi’s birdlife through the “Big Bird Day”, an annual event that has numerous teams visiting various birding sites and doing a species count. Watching and appreciating nature quite logically led to photographing it and Nikhil can now be seen trudging in fields looking for the perfect shot. His expertise has resulted in the publication of several books, and his photographs are regularly featured in Indian and foreign nature magazines and publications.
Today Nikhil has made his passion his life, his work… Enchanted India

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